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813 Delgado
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

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While SaltNumber started from giving hand mixed spices to friends and family for Christmas... It was months after that when I was given an empty bottle (with a dirty, smudged label) with a request for a refill where the idea struck.  I need a bottle that can be reused and look good on the table.


So I embarked on the journey to package great salt in an attractive container that will hopefully stand the test of time.

Below are some pictures of how the bottle came to be:

Sizes & Values

Banner Image Height - controls the height of the site banner image.


Template Options

Always Show Nav - forces the auto-hiding navigation to stay in view by default.

Header Icons - enables the two icons in the header area. When disabled icons become text.

Header Dropdown Content - select the drop down content that is offered in the right side of the header area. 

Header & Nav Borders - enables top and bottom borders on the header and navigation areas. 

Site Drop Shadow - enables a drop shadow under the site canvas area.

Title Decoration - provides a selection of decoration choices on the page title.

Page Titles & Description - displays the page title and description on pages. 

Blog Styles

Blog Text Width - sets the relative width of the blog content area. 

Blog Post Author - enables the display of author name with the date under the article title. 

Gallery Styles

Gallery Navigation - determines the type of gallery image navigation is provided on the page.

Gallery Info Overlay - select the type of display used for image title and caption.

Gallery Aspect Ratio - controls the aspect ratio (width:height) for the gallery active slide.

Gallery Arrow Style - determines the style of the arrows used to cycle through the slides.

Gallery Transitions - select the transition styles used to animate between slides being viewed.

Gallery Show Arrows - choose to use arrows for cycling through slides.

Gallery Auto Crop - choose to auto crop slide images to the selected ratio.

Gallery Autoplay - choose to cycle gallery images automatically without user interaction.

Gallery Loop - enable a gallery to cycle through to the first slide after the last slide.

Gallery Autoplay Speed - specify the speed at which the gallery pauses on the active slide.

Gallery Thumbnail Size - control the height of thumbnail images when used for gallery navigation.

Gallery Arrow Background - specify the color that is used for the shape of gallery arrows.

Gallery Arrow Color - specify the color that is used for the arrow itself.

Gallery Circle Color - specify the color that is used for the circle shape gallery arrows.

Gallery Info Background - specify the color used in the background of the image title and caption.

Product Styles

Product Background Color - sets the color behind the product image.

Product Overlay Color - sets the color of the overlay when product list titles are set to 'overlay.'

Products Per Row - determines the number of products shown per line on the product list.

Product List Titles - controls the position of the product title on the product list.

Product List Alignment - sets the text alignment of the product title on the product list.

Product Item Size - select an image ratio for the product photo on the product list.

Product Image Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the image area or fit within.

Product Gallery Size - select an image ratio for the product gallery on the product item page.

Product Gallery Auto Crop - determines whether product images fill the gallery area or fit within.

Show Product Price - shows the price on the product list page when enabled.

Show Product Item Nav - shows the 'back to shop' link on the product item page.


Event Styles

Event Time Format - toggle between 24 hour or AM/PM for event times.

Event Icons - enable icons on the address and event time display.

Event Thumbnails - show an image thumbnail in list view.

Event Thumbnail Size - controls the size (ratio width:height) of the event thumbnail image.

Event Date Label - enable date overlay on top of event thumbnail.

Event Date Label Time - include the time of the event with the date overlay.

Event Excerpts - show optional excerpt text of events on the list view when present. 

Event List Date - show the full event date (day, month, year) of the event on the list view.

Event List Time - show the time range (start time-end time) of the event on the list view.

Event List Address - show the event location address when present.

Event iCal/gCal Links - show links to add events to Apple or Google calendars.

Event Like and Share Buttons - show Squarespace simple like and share buttons on events.

Event List Compact View - enable a simple stacked view of events in the list view.

Event Calendar Compact View - enable a simpler calendar view optimized for smaller areas.